Tenzin and Shen from Tibet2Timbuk2 have just completed a massive 2 week, 14 show tour of Japan with regular T2T2 guest musician Taro Terahara.  You can read the full story on Shen’s blog, and see loads of photos on his Facebook album.  Here’s a brief sample:

 Fri July 28: Gokokuji Temple, hosted by Tibet House Japan.


Sun July 31: Saitama, Oppe Gallery – In most concerts, Taro and Tenzin performed a beautiful flute duet along with Tibetan nomad song.  (Check out “Tibet: Awakened Heart” to hear both kinds of music.)

 Mon 8 August Osaka, Chakra


Wed 10 August Kobe, Chicken George – not a KFC copy as the name might indicate, but in fact one of the biggest most famous live houses in Kansai, since 1980.  Wonderful sound system!

Tso Marpo” @ Gokokuji